Course – Book Club


Title: Book Club
Trainer: Amanullah Tariq
4 Sessions Every Month
2 Hours Each Session
8PM to 10PM
Physical Session + Zoom Sessions



Title: Book Club
Trainer: Amanullah Tariq

  1. ⁠The Republic (Plato)
  2. The Prince (Niccolo Machiavelli)
  3. The Israel Lobby ( John Mearsheimer)
  4. End of History and the last man (Francis Fukuyama)
  5. One Nation Under BlackMail pt.1 (Whitney Webb)
  6. One Nation Under BlackMail pt.2 (Whitney Webb)
  7. The Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith)
  8. Technofeudalism (Yannis Varoufakis)
  9. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (John Perkins)
  10. Clash of Civilizations (Samuel P. Huntington)
  11. ⁠Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien)
  12. ⁠Hobbit and Silmarillion (J.R.R. Tolkien)

4 Sessions Every Month
2 Hours Each Session
8PM to 10PM
Physical Session + Zoom Sessions